HELLO HELLO and welcome back to the blog! I hope everyone had a great week!
Voyage MIA started off small in LA and has become what it is today through their hard work and dedication. They are an inspiring group of people who write about small businesses, artists, bloggers, etc in the most authentic way. They support people who work hard at what they do and they make sure their work is recognized which is admirable. On top of that, they let people submit peoples’ names and businesses to be able to write about them as well. They not only care about what YOU do but they care about YOUR input and recognition for other people.
Thanks to this small business known as theteesisters, I was given the opportunity to be featured on Voyage MIA, and before, during and after the process of the article, I felt proud, grateful and blessed. I felt these feelings because a lot of the time, I feel like people don’t understand the time, work and dedication it takes to be a content creator or influencer or the work that goes into trying to be one, like me. Many people think that all it takes is posting a picture and that is not the case, so the fact that my work was recognized feels amazing. I am honestly so happy I was able to tell a part of my story. I was able to talk about myself and how thealookk started which no one really asks about, so being able to have a voice was great, and again, I couldn’t be happier.
Thank you Voyage MIA, this is one of many accomplishments to come!
Hope you enjoyed the blog!
See you next Sunday!