The only thing I’d like to say to 2020 is… THANK YOU, NEXT.
Hey everyone! It has definitely been a while, but I hope everyone had a great end to 2020 and has had a great start to the new year!
2020 was truly a year that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Too many bad things happened in the world and I am ready to leave it all behind, start fresh, but crazy enough, hold on to it. Like I have mentioned in previous blog posts, I try my best to take the good from all the bad especially through this pandemic. This year has made me feel both hopeless and hopeful at the time. Most of the time, however, I felt hopeless because there has not been much I can do to help with this chaotic pandemic. The most I can do is stay home with with my family and be patient, but I can’t change other peoples’ minds about the fact that we need to self isolate and social distance; because of this, the pandemic has stuck around longer than we hoped. Towards the end of the year, I began to feel hope. Hope that the new year would be better. Hope that it WILL be better. Hope that people will realize things they didn’t in 2020 and change their actions towards it all. All I can do is hope.
Other than stripping me of hope most of the year, 2020 gave me a whole lot of time. With this time, cliche as it sounds, I was able to focus on myself. I was able to set goals, educate myself and work on both my mental and physical health. This year, I plan on achieving these goals, continuing to educate myself and work on both my physical and mental health. Because of the crazy year we call 2020, I am a freelance photographer, freelance web-designer, jewelry designer, stylist and content creator, so for that I thank you 2020, but NEXT please!
Hope you enjoyed the blog!
See you next Sunday!