HELLO HELLO, happy Tuesday, and welcome to this short and sweet blog post:)! I meant to post this on Sunday but have been TOO BUSY and forgot soooooo here it is on a Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great week last week and has a great week this week!
Hello Fall and hello October! It is officially spooky season, and to be honest, I am not the biggest Halloween fan but I definitely am a Fall lover; at least the idea of it because I live in Miami where seasons don’t really happen! It’s pretty much Summer all year round, but honestly, who’s complaining? I am a big fan of the fashion of course and the idea of the leaves changing and the transition all together. Even though Miami doesn’t really get cold, and like I said, doesn’t experience a “real” Fall, I like to dress up like if it REALLY is fall. Meaning I wear the sweaters, the turtle necks, the faux leathers etc just to be able to feel it. This Fall may be a little tricky because a lot of “big and baggy” pieces are trending and I might get a little too hot, but we’ll see as we transition more and more into this beautiful season!
Stay tuned for Sunday’s post where I’ll be talking about my current Fall favorites!
See you next Sunday!