HELLO HELLO and happy Sunday! Hope everyone has had a great day so far!
Summer 2020… What can I possibly say about it? Thanks to this pandemic, it has kind of been a bust no? Yes, there are many ways one can entertain themselves, but because of “lockdown” things just get a little repetitive at home. I am, however, trying to stay busy whether it be by working out, face-timing my friends, having “at home” photoshoots, learning photography, and of course, ONLINE SHOPPING (on a budget) for my favorite summer trends.
Some of my favorite summer trends include: puffy sleeves, high rise sweat shorts, “bermuda” shorts, chunky boots with a more feminine look and square- toed heels.
When it comes to a puffy sleeve, I feel like one can NEVER go wrong. I have always loved this style on a top mostly because it’s easy to make it both casual and fancy. We also LOVE a dress with a puffy sleeve! I mean COME ON, these pictures speak for themselves.
I’m going to be honest, when sweat shorts became a “thing” I swore I wasn’t going to buy them, but of course I gave in. They are one of the most comfortable shorts EVER, and honestly look so cute with a matching oversized sweater or crop top.
Bermuda shorts were something else I saw and said NO, but of course here I am, pairing them with a t-shirt, sneakers, accessories, handbag, and sunnies making them the perfect look. A total ALOOKK.
A feminine look with a chunky boot is ANOTHER LOOK. I used to try and pair my 2013 combat boots with a dress back in the day, but let me tell you, the style of the boot was NOT the same. Now they have a cleaner look to them and just make a look so much more stylish and chic.
I truly hope that a square- toed heel never goes out of style. They are G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S. I have always been a heel fanatic and let me tell you, this look is IT. I feel like it makes a look so powerful yet so fun. I am currently waiting for a pair to come in and I am SO excited!
Hope you enjoyed the blog!
See you next Sunday!